voiceMessage is the new ultra fast system to send messages. They are enough only 2 taps on the screen to send any type of voice message using a normal email. Useful for example to send messages while you are doing other demanding activities such as driving, running, etc... will be essential and immediate to send messages when you can not use the keyboard, when You are engaged in other more important tasks or when you need to send a message in a few seconds. You can also use "Siri" to launch the application, write a custom text message (dictate) to be added to the voice message in the email, write the recipient of the email, etc... Very useful to send a greeting to a friend (for example singing "Happy Birthday") or to send the recording of a live event (recording with high audio fidelity: 44000 Hz, stereo, 32-bit) to a friend or colleague.
You can no longer do without "voiceMessage" to communicate your sweet thoughts to a loved one.
Features: - Voice message of infinite duration - Send a voice message touching the screen 2 times (RECORD, SEND) - Send a voice message in few seconds (5 seconds is more than enough to send the message) - High-contrast user interface (you can use it in all lighting conditions, even at the sea) - Large buttons with a high level of accessibility (designed for people with limited motor skills) - Very useful in emergency situations (such as accidents, malaise, unpleasant situations, etc ...): its speed and ease of use will allow you to send immediately a voice message to your loved ones without being seen and without having to write anything - Ability to hear the recorded voice message before sending - Automatic recording of voice message (the audio recording will start automatically when you start the application) - All the sent voice messages are saved in the list of emails sent (in the app "Mail")
Application type: - UNIVERSAL APP (you pay only once and run on all devices) |